Dale Crownover
“I believe a big part of our company’s success is accredited to our diversity in the workforce. By placing people from different backgrounds together working in a team environment has led to a creative atmosphere of fresh innovative ideas.”
Dale Crownover loves speaking at events to inspire others to be good environmental stewards and to run your business ethically. If you are interested in having Dale speak at your event you can email him at: dale@nameplate.com
About Dale Crownover
Dale has worked at Texas Nameplate most of his life and has spent time working in every department. His visionary leadership led TNC to many accomplishments: Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (twice), Texas Business of the Year Award, Quality Texas Award, both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certification, two patents and two patents pending. Outside of work, Dale spends time on his farm with Rowdy and serves his church as Deacon and helps with their church/community activities. “I believe a big part of our company’s success is accredited to our diversity in the workforce. Placing people from different backgrounds together working in a team environment has led to a creative atmosphere of fresh innovative ideas.”
Service in State and National Professional Associations
- 1990 -1995 President, South Ellis County Water Supply Corporation, Italy, Texas
- 1993-1994, Board of Examiners, Texas Award for Performance Excellence.
- 1996-1998, Board of Overseer, Quality Texas Foundation
- 1997-1999, Chairman of the Board, The Quality Texas Foundation
- 2000-2001, Board of Examiners, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Foundation
- 2001-2004, Member, Board of Directors, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Foundation
- 2001-2003, Panel of Judges, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
- 2003-2004, National Treasurer, American Society for Quality
- 2004-2007, Chairman, Board of Director, Quality Texas Foundation
- 2004-2007, Chairman, Board of Directors, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Foundation
- 2008-2010, Chairman, Board of Directors, Quality Texas Foundation
- 2014-Present, Vice Chairman, Board of Director, Quality Texas Foundation.
Presentations and Publications
- 1998, All You Need Is Trust, Quality Progress, October, Author: Brad Stratton
- 1999, Co-Author, Take it to the Next Level , A Story of the Quest for Quality and the Malcolm Baldrige Award, NextLevel Press.
- 1999, Making the Pitch in the Executive Suite, by Susan Daniels and Mark Hagen, Quality Progress, April, American Society for Quality,
- 2000-Present, hosted over 50 international organizations on site at TNC
- 2002, Baldrige Ambassador Presentations at request of the Australian government
- 2003, Baldrige Ambassador Presentations at request of the South Korean government
- 2003, Baldrige: It’s Easy, Free, and It Works, part of a multi-author article What’s the Best Quality System?, Quality Progress, July, American Society for Quality,
- 2005, Next Level Leadership, by Kristin Johnson, Quality Progress, August, American Society for Quality,
- 2008, Commencement Address, LaTourneau University
- Videos series (13 videos on TNC) and case study materials by Hattie Bryant, Small Business School, see videos
- Video, Texas Nameplate CEO Dale Crownover on Faith, Work and Quality, by Hattie Bryant, Small Business School, see videos